Month: April 2015

Whaley Launches Water Cooled Standard Packaged and Modular Chiller Lines

For years Whaley has manufactured water cooled chiller equipment on primarily a design and build-to-order basis.  January 2015 Whaley launched its new SW and SWE Series packaged and modular water cooled chiller product lines.  After years of designing and engineering to meet a myriad of custom client needs, Whaley developed its SW and SWE product lines with flexibility in mind.

These systems utilize high efficient Copeland Scroll compressors and stainless steel brazed plate evaporators and condensers.  Upgraded evaporator and condensers are available as an option.

Both standard lines range from 1 Ton to 80 Ton, however higher capacity systems can be designed.

For the SWE Series line, multiple chiller modules can be plumbed in parallel for as much capacity and redundancy is needed.  Additionally, the SWE Series Modular Chillers are the smallest footprint in the industry in all size ranges.

Other options include material upgrades, control and monitoring upgrades, partial-loading/staging redundancy upgrades, custom mounting, or custom layout of components to meet space restrictions, etc.
